Note: If you are experiencing a medical emergency, call 911 immediately.
For infants or toddlers: If you are caring for an infant or a toddler and are in crisis, you can bring the child to the Noyes Home Nursery anytime day or night. We are located at 801 N. Noyes Blvd., St. Joseph, Mo. You will be asked for some general information about your child and your situation for safety reasons, and we have staff available to care for infants and toddlers 24-hours a day, seven days a week for walk-ins or scheduled appointments. There is no charge for services. Phone: 816.232.5650.
For families: The Noyes Home serves families in crisis but not experiencing a medical emergency. We are here, 24-hours a day, seven days a week. Infants, toddlers and children up to age 18 can come to the Noyes Home and begin the preplacement process at any time. You may also call the Noyes Home at 816.232.5650 to learn more about the process, or make an appointment.
Families get help from the Noyes Home for many reasons.
- Emergency Shelter: Children who have become homeless are placed in the safe keeping of the Noyes Home by family members who have lost their home. Families who are experiencing an emergency (usually health related) and do not have a place where their children can stay can also utilize the services of the Noyes Home.
- Respite Care: These children are referred to us by parents who might be experiencing a short-term problem or are in great need of time to regain their coping skills.
- Foster Care Placement: These children are referred to the Noyes Home by the court system, Juvenile office, Children’s Division or a contracted entity that offers child protective services for the state. These children are placed with the Noyes Home on a temporary basis until a foster care home is secured, or they are returned to their home.
- Behavioral Intervention: Children in this category are referred to the Noyes Home by parents, mental health facilities, schools and social workers. They may be having problems at home, or in school or both – but children with violent behaviors are referred to other community resources who are specially trained to help with this type of challenge.
Read more about Admissions.